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Weekly Activity Reports

As a responsible brokerage, we understand that our sellers want to stay updated on the activity happening with their vessels.

That's why we automatically email you an activity report at 7:00AM ET every Monday morning containing activity for the prior week.

This activity report details the following types of activity:

- Web Views (anonymous browsers)- Registered Views (those who filled out a Boarding Pass)- Showing Interest (some level of interest shown)- Inquiries Submitted (actual leads)Showing interest is not AS strong as submitting an inquiry but it is a good indication of a buyer who has indicated some interest in your vessel. We only count inquiries as actual inquiries where a buyer has physically called or emailed in with a question about your specific vessel.

The image you see at right is a screen capture of part of an actual activity report generated for a seller. The report you will receive as one of our sellers will be in PDF format and arrive every Monday on the dot. You could set a watch by the consistency of our weekly reports.

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