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POP Yachts Plays Santa

Take a moment to remember what this holiday season is all about. Time off of work? No! It's a time for giving, opening our hearts, helping others in need, and reflecting on becoming better people. We at POP Yachts look forward to helping others and becoming better people every day, especially during the holidays. And what better way to do that, than to pool our resources and give to others? We know that being in a hospital during the holidays is no fun, especially if you are a child.

So we passed around the donation hat to our staff members. No one expected the response we received this year. We passed last year's total in just the first 48 hours and we ended up nearly tripling last year's total by the time the dust settled! POP Yachts collected a total of $4,260!

With the money in hand, we saddled up some volunteers and head to Target. And, three hours later, this is what $4,260 worth of toys looks like! The toys, books and iTunes gift cards were provided to the Pediatrics wing of Sarasota Memorial Hospital. We hope this gesture brings a small amount of joy to those children having to deal with difficult news this holiday season and throughout the year.

Merry Christmas to our boating family!

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