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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

If a picture is literally worth one thousand words (or thereabouts), our inventory is worth...620,749,000 words. And that's just the photos (not including any actual words)!

Most people notice POP Yachts for our photos. While other dealers insist on publishing boat advertisements with 10-12 photos, we continue to lead the information revolution by publishing so many photos of a boat it starts to become a little ridiculous!

Take a look at this example:

2000 Island Runner 31 (192 photos)Did you notice there are 14 photos of just the engine heads without covers? That's the type of detail we like to show potential buyers. Why?

1.) We have nothing to hide! Pre-owned boats aren't perfect. Sometimes they are "almost new"; sometimes they are in need of "TLC". There is a perfect home for every one of them! We strongly believe we need to show each vessel in its true and most accurate condition, so that we may find that perfect buyer for each one.

2.) You should never be surprised by what you see in person. How would you feel about us as a company if we were intentionally hiding defects by shooting photos around a blister spot in the hull? We have seen companies do that. We don't take chances like that with our reputation.

3.) We don't want our time or your time wasted showing a vessel, only for you to see something you don't like. Our buyers literally come from all over the world. Would you want to hop in a car and drive 7 hours with the family, only to find the trailer she is sitting on is rusted shut?

4.) Photos are cheap! So, we have to ask other dealers, why wouldn't you?

Other dealerships and brokerages do not take or show lots of photos simply because their goal is to get you down to the yard/dock/lot and hard sell you on the boat right there. We've actually heard it! You wouldn't believe it, but the argument most dealers have against providing so many photos is that it might scare off would-be buyers! Are you kidding me?! That's right about the point where we stare wide-eyed, slack-jawed at that sales manager while we politely exit the conversation. We obviously don't have a lot in common with the typical dealer.

Getting too caught up in trying to force a sale is the wrong way to do business. We believe that good sales come from matching up the right buyer with the right vessel at the right time. It comes down to this: we choose to show each vessel in her true condition, including all of her great features but also all of her warts. We advertise boats on more websites than any other dealership or brokerage (by a factor of 10, if you can believe it, and we can back that up). If there is a buyer, he or she will find us and the right deal will happen that is mutually and equally beneficial for both parties.

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